
43 PGB



My name is juan diego vargas
I come from the country of Peru cradle of the most delicious coffees in the world.
I live and dedicate my time to the development of gastronomic experiences.

Cocktail Inspiration

I was inspired by the coffee communities of my country Learn with them and spread your passion for coffee Get together to enjoy these anecdotes with special people who surround us during the beautiful mornings in the Andean mountains Sweetening these moments gives us an experimental and perfect golden Peruvian breakfast which only with liquor 43 can we finish in the best way


  • 45 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 90 Ml. Clear Orange Juice
  • 45 Ml. Salkantay Coffee Infusion
  • 1 Dashes Tumeric Bitter
  • 6 Drops MCT Oil Pancito con queso infused.


Cocktail Preparation
  • Filter the orange juice with the v60 method drop by drop
  • Make the coffee infusion with the aeropress method and then reserve the infusion to cool slightly
  • Add 30ml of liqueur 43 together with the clarified orange juice plus the bitter in a glass with frozen stones and stir.
  • Serve the coffee infusion over the cocktail and add drops of MCT infused pancito con queso
Coffee Preparation
  • Salkantay Coffe in aeropress method ( 200ml of water at 185F by 20gr of Medium fine grind coffe)

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