
Affogato Bout It


United States of America

My names is Ayang Dorji, I was a barista for 2 years in college and am currently a bartender in Baltimore city. My cocktail is inspired by one of my favorite drinks I used to make the affogato!


  • 22 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 22 Ml. Sfumato
  • 3 Dashes Chocolate bitters
  • 90 Ml. Nicaraguan Jinotega
  • 4 Oz. Vanilla ice cream
  • 1 Ml. Orange zest


Cocktail Preparation
  • Combine Licor 43, sfumato, and bitters in the carafe
  • Brew the coffee straight over mixture through pour over
  • Scoop ice cream into martini glass
  • Pour hot coffee over ice cream and garnish with orange zest
Coffee Preparation
  • Wet coffee filter with hot water
  • Use a two stage pour for the coffee
  • First stage being 30ml of hot water and let it bloom for 30 seconds
  • Second stage being 60ml of hot water

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