


United States of America

I am a bartender in Colorado, and I worked with locally roasted coffee to develop this cocktail inspired by my bar, the Rocky Mountains, and the Spanish terroir.

Cocktail Inspiration

From my bar's window, I can see the sun set over Colorado's Almagre mountain, and I was inspired to create a cocktail fusing the flavors of Colorado and Spain. An earthy, reddish-brown (almagre, red ochre) cocktail containing spanish liqueur and locally roasted coffee.


  • 15 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 37 Ml. Overproof Jamaican Rum
  • 37 Ml. Cold Brew Concentrate
  • 15 Ml. Amaro Averna
  • 15 Ml. Bénédictine


Cocktail Preparation
  • Add ingredients to shaker with ice
  • Shake for 20 seconds
  • Express orange peel over chilled coup glass
  • Double strain cocktail into glass
  • Garnish with orange peel as desired
Coffee Preparation
  • Coursely grind lightly roasted Ethiopian coffee (origin optional, but brings desired notes)
  • Immerse grounds at a ratio of 1 pound coffee to 1 gallon cool water
  • Chill for 24 hours
  • Filter
  • (I worked with my coffee roaster to develop this cold brew, so some pictures have their bottle in it)

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