



My name is Luis Guillermo Franco Herrera; I am 24 years’ old and I lived in Aguascalientes City.

I am currently studying a Bachelor’s degree in Strategic Corporate Communication at the UAA.

Cocktail Inspiration

The inspiration of this cocktail is to promote The Railway Culture in my countryThis cold drink is based with citrus and sweetness notes and flavors


  • 15 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 2 Oz. Licor 43 Original
  • 2 Oz. Heavy Cream
  • 1 Oz. Whisky
  • 20 Drops Black Tea Blend
  • 1 Oz. A blend with orange and honey syrup
  • 2 Dashes Garnish with cinnamon powder


Cocktail Preparation
  • Put in our cocktail glass 1 oz of our orange honey syrup, followed by 1 oz of whiskey and mix with the bar spoon.
  • Pour up to half of our glass the black tea infusion.
  • N a shake put ice cubes, 2 oz of milk cream and 2 oz of liqueur 43 and shake hard.
  • Pour our mixture slowly with the help of a bar spoon to achieve the separation due to the density of the ingredients.
  • Garnish our cocktail with cinnamon powder.
  • Finally , Enjoy the cocktail.
Coffee Preparation
  • No coffee needed.
  • To prepare black tea :
  • Put water at room temperature in a pot and wait for the water to boil for the black tea infusion.
  • Pour the hot water into the French Press, then add 2 tablespoons of black tea.
  • Wait 7 minutes for the tea to release its flavors and press the press, obtaining our tea infusion.
  • To prepare the orange and honey syrup :
  • Getting fresh fruit and bee honey.
  • Put water at room temperature in a saucepan, add the honey together with the orange, wait for the water to boil and mix as well as mash the ingredients over high heat.
  • After integrating the ingredients well, let the syrup stand for a few minutes.
  • Finally, the mixture must be strained to avoid impurities.

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