
Bananillo 43



My name is Daniel but my friends call me Linxz, I’m a barman at “Licoreria San Pedrito Cholula”, I don’t have much experience but I enjoy challenges like this, by making a cocktail with “Licor 43”, wich was transform a banana split into a drink.

Cocktail Inspiration

Inspared by Barraquito and a bananaplit


  • 45 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 15 Ml. Licor of Banana
  • 8 Ml. Licor Frangelico
  • 30 Ml. Milk
  • 22 Ml. coffe Blason ESPRESSO
  • 10 Ml. Whipped cream


Cocktail Preparation
  • To mix, combine 45 ml of Licor 43 with 15 ml of San Marino banana liqueur and 1 oz of milk.
  • We mix our espresso with 8 ml of Frangelico liqueur.
  • In a previously chilled old-fashioned glass, we'll first add our mix of Licor 43 with milk and banana liqueur.
  • We'll add our coffee carefully using a spoonbar to help create an effect where our liquids don't combine.
  • We finish by adding our whipped cream on top.
  • We decorate with grated chocolate, lemon zest, a banana chip, and a cinnamon stick.
Coffee Preparation
  • We measure our shot of espresso.
  • In our coffee maker, we select the double espresso brewing option.
  • Once we have the espresso ready, we incorporate 8 mlof Frangelico liqueur

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