Catuaí 43
I started working as a barista in 2015 for three years. I opened a business, and after the pandemic, when I closed my business in 2021, I started working as a bartender
Cocktail Inspiration
Catuaí in Tupi-Guarani means excellent
- 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
- 30 Ml. Aged Rum
- 30 Ml. Brewed Coffee
- 10 Ml. Apricot Liqueor
- 10 Ml. Lime Juice
- 2 Dashes Angostura Orange
- 2 Dashes Angostura Cocoa
Cocktail Preparation
- Add all ingredients into a previously chilled mixing glass
- Add ice and stir for about 20 seconds to add dilution and chill the cocktail
- Double strain into a previously chilled Nick Nora glass
- Add a piece of Grana Panano cheese on a stick as a garnish and serve
Coffee Preparation
- Add medium grind coffee (here used a Red Catuaí, medium roast) in a French press preparation method and add hot water (in the proportion of 10g of coffee for 100 ml of water)
- Wait three minutes and lower the French press plunger, serve in a glass or container