
Death by monotony



i´m a bartender and barista, my vision is to improve the specialty coffe industry, taking the innovation and freashness of the cocktailery

Cocktail Inspiration

it is a mix between a carajillo and the death by morning cocktail respecting the original flavor of the coffe a complex red catuai black honney process from Pasco wich has similar notes to licor 43


  • 37 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 37 Ml. black honey coffe in aeropress method
  • 4 Ml. anis najar semi-dulce (semi-sweet anissed)
  • 15 Ml. mezcal local (mild smoked)
  • 5 Drops mint leaves
  • 2 Drops saline solution at


Cocktail Preparation
  • Add to the shaker licor 43, the anissed and the mint leaves
  • Smash the leaves with a muddler
  • Add the coffe, mezcal and saline solution
  • Add ice and shake
  • Double strain and serve into the glass with a half of an ice stick
  • Add to the side the garnish, a carajillo jelly with a mint leave inside
Coffee Preparation
  • Grind the red catuai, black honey process coffe in espresso size
  • Put upside down the aeropress and pre heated with water
  • Discard that water and add the grinded coffe (20 grams)
  • Pour 80 grams of water at 90 degrees centigrade, then stir
  • Close the aeropress using double paper filters
  • Reached the 2 minutes turn upside down the aeropress and press
  • The preassure must be 20-30 seconds long, so any of the grains will pass

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