
Dulce Amargo


United States of America

Christian was born in Cuba. Now living in Las Vegas, He is a graduated from the “EBS” school, member of “ACC” Member of the “IBA”, and “The Union of bartender in Las Vegas”. Also a master cigar somm.


  • 20 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 20 Ml. Cinzano Vermouth Rosso
  • 20 Ml. Aperol
  • 15 Ml. Organic Maple Syrup
  • 35 Ml. Espresso Coffee
  • 2 Dashes Mole Chocolate Bitters


Cocktail Preparation
  • Chill Cocktail glass and put every ingredient on the shaker tin
  • Brew the espresso and add it to the shaker
  • Add Ice and shake vigorously for 10-12 seconds
  • Discard ice from cocktail glass and double strain the cocktail on the glass
  • Express orange peel on top of the cocktail
  • Add decoration
Coffee Preparation
  • Add 30g of coffee in espresso machine
  • Set to the right temperature (90 degrees)
  • Brew Coffee

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