
Flip 43


United States of America

I am the Principal Bartender at OsKar Cocktail Bar in Evanston, Illinois. Since opening 11 months ago we’ve focused on highlighting often overlooked flavors through our rotating seasonal menu. Thanks

Cocktail Inspiration

LIFE Magazine Cover 1/18/1929 "Old Opulence"


  • 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 30 Ml. Metropolis Roasters Redline Espresso
  • 15 Ml. Appleton Estate 8 Year Reserve Rum
  • 15 Ml. Bonal Gentiane-Quina Amaro
  • 45 Ml. Whole Egg
  • 7 Ml. Cream of Coconut


Cocktail Preparation
  • Combine Liquor 43, Coffee, Rum, Amaro, Coconut in a mixing glass with ice. Stir to chill
  • Strain Coffee mixture into shaking tin and add 1 whole egg.
  • Add ice and shake for 15 seconds.
  • Remove ice and dry shake for another 5 seconds.
  • Double strain into a large chilled coupe glass and top with grated nutmeg.
Coffee Preparation
  • Grind Metropolis Redline Espresso to a medium fine grind.
  • Bring water to boiling and let it cool to between 97 and 99 degrees celsius.
  • Put 19g of dry coffee into AeroPress and add 60g of prepared water.
  • Stir to combine and put the plunger in place.
  • After 15 seconds lower the plunger and stop once the AeroPress begins to hiss.

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