
Love in the clouds


United States of America

I’m sebastian a passionate Colombian bartender currently living in usa

Cocktail Inspiration

A mix between a carajillo and a ramos gin fizz with a twist of sesame


  • 45 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 42 Ml. Mazapan
  • 30 Ml. Heavy cream
  • 1 Oz. Eggwhite
  • 8 Ml. Toasted sesame oil
  • 15 Ml. Lemon juice
  • 45 Ml. Coffee


Cocktail Preparation
  • Save a collins glass in the freezer
  • Blend all ingredients with 70g of ice, ( 1.5oz mazapan is equal to 42g) blend for 15 seconds
  • Poor the drink in the frozen glass and leave the drink in the freezer for 4 minutes
  • Add a half oz of seltzer water on the top of the drink
  • Garnish with coffee benas and sesame and black sesame seeds
Coffee Preparation
  • 11g of medium roast fine ground coffee (bonjo brand double espresso pot) pour 50ml 75degrees water
  • (All process can be done in a espresso machine with the double espresso pot)

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