
Man of war


United States of America

A tropical drink named after a style of pirate ship. This cocktail is ment to be craft but easy for bartenders to dispense out of a bottle once made in batches


  • 60 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 2 Oz. Espresso
  • 1 Oz. Rum
  • 1 Oz. Demorera simple
  • 2 Oz. Organic whole Milk
  • 1 Oz. Passion fruit juice
  • 2 Dashes Cardamom powder


Cocktail Preparation
  • Mix ingredients in vesel untill incorporated this will curdle
  • Filter the contents through a cheese cloth
  • The result should be a dark brown and clear
  • Bottle appropriately(this it ment to be batched)
  • Serve with crushed ice
  • Garnish with ground cinnamon and a whole Cinnabon
Coffee Preparation
  • Start with star mountian espresso from global coffee
  • Dial it in
  • Pull espresso shot

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