
Por La Mañana


United States of America

About me?! I’m a Nuyorican bartender living in Rhode Island. I grew up on coffee; my earliest memories include smelling coffee as it’s poured way above my head on the counter! My cocktail is a complete sensory memory

Cocktail Inspiration

This cocktail is inspired by a summer morning. I took my go to morning coffee - an americano - and blended it with the experience of having a fresh fruit breakfast on the beach with that coffee. The result is a light but juicy cocktail. It blends the warmth of tropical fruits with the bittersweet palate of the espresso to create a cocktail that celebrates the delicate notes of Licor 43. Its an easy sipping cocktail that captures that exact moment.


  • 45 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 30 Ml. Mango-Orange Juice
  • 55 Ml. Club Soda
  • 30 Ml. Espresso, Puerto Rican Blend


Cocktail Preparation
  • In a highball glass, add ice to fill
  • Pour Licor 43, mango-orange juice, and soda water into the glass. Stir 5x to combine.
  • Pour espresso over the cocktail base to create a layered effect. Garnish with orange twist
  • Recommended serve - in layers for a cocktail that transforms as you sip - or stirred together for a bitter sweet tropical americano
Coffee Preparation
  • Place 17 g of espresso into a brew basket
  • Turn on the espresso machine and brew for 23 seconds through the machine, to get 60 ml of espresso

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