
San Vito


Costa Rica

One of my passions is to always be learning, I started in the world of coffee out of curiosity about the different flavors and aromas that could be found,I love traveling I’m a english teacher& barist

Cocktail Inspiration

I found inspiration in a place from costa Rica which have a lot varieties of coffee the richness of the land makes the notes and aromas of the coffee produced to be a new experience supporting the national producer I decided to use pittier coffee with notes of caramel dark chocolate and citrus My inspiration comes from such a small but warm place something that makes us feel at home like grandmothers when they prepare meals with their secret recipes something that when we drink it gives us a feeling of nostalgia but also of warmth


  • 44 Ml. Licor 43 Original


Cocktail Preparation
  • 1,50onz licor 43, 0.25onz vainilla, 3onz evaporated milk , 0.75 centenario de cafe, 2onz pittier coffeeTwo shakers are used, in one we are going to do dry shaking to incorporate the coffee with the other ingredients except the vanilla and the evaporated milk, in the other shaker we add the vanilla and the evaporated milk, after the dry shaking we add ice to the 2 shakers and we mix quite well, we first serve the coffee with the liquor in a tall glass and add the foam that I made with the evaporated milk and vanilla. We place it on top or on the side and it slowly begins to integrate. For decoration, we add a lemon leaf and a dehydrated Orange with gold dust
Coffee Preparation
  • The method I used was avandola is a costarican method, I put some Orange inside the vandola I use pittier coffee 400 gr of coffee x 600 of water

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