
Spanish Sunshine


United States of America

Longtime bartender who just started to get into coffee this year. Excited to get to play in both worlds for a contest, especially with Licor 43 being the perfect bridge between the two worlds.

Cocktail Inspiration

Fresh take on an agave and coffee pairing featuring a heavy dose of Licor 43


  • 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 30 Ml. Quechol Wheeleri Sotol
  • 30 Ml. Cold Brew Coffee
  • 2 Dashes Fee Brothers Cardamom Bitters


Cocktail Preparation
  • Add all ingredients to mixing glass
  • Fill with ice and stir
  • Strain into old fashioned glass over large ice cube
  • Garnish with grated cinnamon
  • Enjoy
Coffee Preparation
  • Dogwood Coffee - Flores Tuang Coffee
  • Method of extraction - Cold Brew
  • Gr. Of dry coffee used: 100g
  • Gr. Of liquid produced: 500ml
  • Water temperature: Cold
  • Extraction time: 18 hours

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