Sthel 43
My cocktail has my essence reflected flavor and experience. The sour taste, the bitterness and likewise the mysterious sweetness. I believe that this is an incredible combination to enjoy any occasion
- 40 Ml. Licor 43 Original
- 35 Oz. Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey.
- 15 Ml. Leggero espresso coffee
- 15 Ml. Tangerine juice
- 5 Ml. Lemon juice
Cocktail Preparation
- Firstly: ice in the glass.
- In a cocktail shaker: To add Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey.
- To add liqueur 43
- To add leggero espresso coffee
- To add Tangerine juice
- To add lemon juice
- Put too much ice in the cocktail shaker. Shake well
- Double straining in a glass without ice
- A Zest and a twist with tangerine peel.
- Cheers.
Coffee Preparation
- Café Espresso Leggero, um blend suave e refrescante de torras de cafés do Brasil e Colômbia com notas de cereais e cacau.