
Sundaze Dessert


United States of America

My name is Martin Ruiz, I’ve been a bartender for about 6 years now and I worked as a barista for 3. I absolute love what I do behind the bar. It’s what keeps me going everyday!

Cocktail Inspiration

Sunday morning


  • 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 45 Ml. Espresso (Hot)
  • 15 Ml. Tequila Reposado
  • 15 Ml. Hazelnut Liqueur
  • 15 Ml. Raspberry Liqueur


Cocktail Preparation
  • Add all ingredients to a shaker tin.
  • Add ice to the tin and give it a hard shake for 15 seconds.
  • Double strain into a coupe glass.
  • Garnish with raspberry powder.
Coffee Preparation
  • Weight out 18 grams of espresso beans.
  • Sprits the beans with water, to reduce static when grinding.
  • Grind coffee beans onto a bottomless portafilter.
  • Use a WDT tool to break up any clumps before distributing and tamping.
  • Once tamped, add a puck screen to help with channeling the espresso.
  • Extract espresso, goal is to weight out about 36 grams of espresso in 30 seconds.

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