
The Golden Flip


United States of America

I am a pharmacist turned bartender who traveled to pursue the world of culinary and mixology. Coffee fueled my adventures, and I love learning how different cultures and climates influence flavors.

Cocktail Inspiration

Inspired by the 1940s Vietnamese egg coffee that was born out of milk scarcity in Hanoi-Vietnam


  • 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
  • 20 Ml. Spanish Amontillado Sherry(Don Benigno)
  • 15 Ml. Orange Marmalade
  • 80 Ml. French Pressed Dark Roast Hanoi Robusta Coffee
  • 10 Ml. 1 Medium Pasteurized Egg Yolk


Cocktail Preparation
  • Combine all ingredients into Shaker Tin with a whisk ball and dry shake for 20 seconds.
  • Once frothed, add ice to the mixture then wet shake for 15 seconds to chill and dilute.
  • Double strain into a chilled 8oz Goblet cocktail glass with 2inch cubed and etched ice.
  • Garnish with a mix of grated nutmeg and unsweetened cocoa powder and circle shaped orange peel.
Coffee Preparation
  • Measure and grind 64g of Dark Roast Hanoi Robusta Coffee Beans to Medium Coarse.
  • Combine the ground coffee and 600ml of Hot filtered Water (90.5 degrees Celsius or 195 degrees Fahrenheit into a 1L French Press.
  • Stir the mixture and let it brew for 4 minutes
  • Add the Lid on the top and press it down slowly to brew and filter.
  • Double strain into a mixing glass and let it cool to room temperature.

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