Yin Yang 43
Costa Rica
I like to take inspiration in everithing around me and my biggest satisfaction is look the face of my clients went they try one of my drinks. this cocktail will be a lot of sensations sip by sip,
Cocktail Inspiration
a Chinese philosophy called Yin Yang
- 30 Ml. Licor 43 Original
- 15 Ml. Mezcal
- 30 Ml. Expresso
- 15 Ml. Salty Caramel Syrup
- 45 Ml. Egg White
- 30 Ml. Licor 43
- 30 Ml. Mezcal
- 30 Ml. Lemon
- 15 Ml. Agave
- 7 Dashes Roasted tortilla whit Chipotle Salt
Cocktail Preparation
- Lets make a foam using a hand blender. in a mixing glass add 45 ml of egg white, 30 ml of LICOR 43, 30ml of mezcal, 30ml of lemon and 15 ml of agave and beat it.
- In a Mixing Glass add ice and lets cool it, take out the extra wather of the mixing glass and after that add 30 ml of LICOR 43, 15 ml of mezcal, 30 ml espresso and 15 ml of salty caramel syrup.
- Use a bar spoon to mix all de ingredients, Add ice to a low ball glass and pour the mix that we mix before.
- In the top of the cocktail we will pour our foam that we make in the first step.
- Over our foam we will set a mold yin yang and we will add our Roasted tortilla whit Chipotle Salt to form the yin yan in the top
Coffee Preparation
- Used coffee: arabica
- Extraction method: Espresso
- Grams of dry coffee used: 25 gr
- Grams of liquid coffee used: 30 ml
- Water temperature: 95 celcius
- Extraction time: 25 seg